Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I say, people are selfish... And this selfness can make me sad. If I trust in somebody, I think, she/he won't give my secrets away. But just a few people is able to do it. I'm fed up with that, I cannot tell anything, cause it won't stay in secret! I hate it! You can never know, who to trust in... Gossips are tempting, and many people(the weaker ones...) cannot say no, for this temptaiton. I think I can, and I don't give away, what I've heard. That's why, I hate it!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Lyrics mean a lot for me. Usually, I write, when I feel especially sad, or happy. Rather, when I'm sad. In fact, I have written most of my lyrics, when I've felt around love... You know, when somebody was liked by me, but he didn't know me, or something like that.
Writting is a very good hobby. With writting a lyric, you write out from yourself, your deepest thought. However I don't show it to many people, just to my friend, it's an elevating feeling.
Of course I like reading other's lyrics, too. For sure, you have felt something like this; when you are reading the lines, and you feel like 'Oh, my god! It has also happened to me.'
It would be very, very honoring, if somebody read my poems, and feel the same. Oneday, maybe the world is gonna get to know my stuff. ^^
One thing is sure: I reccomend everybody, to write poems! Good feeling, and it makes you artistic.

And here is some lines, from me. I don't want to say anything, just read it. ;)
You don't observe me
Not yet
I'm suffering
But when...

When will you
Look in to my eyes?
When will you
Say me a word?

What should I do
I don't know
You build and destroy
My world